Publications, Projects, Essays etc.

(This list is grouped by topics. Within each topic, the items are ordered chronologically.)

DateTypeCourse / Institute / Conference / JournalTitleCo-AuthorsLink
Route Planning (Highway Hierarchies)
for various related publications, see project homepagehtml
External Memory Minimum Spanning Trees
Aug 03Bachelor ThesisUniversität des SaarlandesExternal Memory Minimum Spanning TreesP. Sanders (supervisor)html
Aug 04Conference3rd IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceEngineering an External Memory Minimum Spanning Tree AlgorithmR. Dementiev, P. Sanders, J.F. Sibeynpdf
Rainbow Sort
Jul 04Research ReportCentre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, University of AucklandRainbow Sort: Sorting at the Speed of Lighthtml
Mar 06JournalNatural ComputingRainbow Sort: Sorting at the Speed of Lighthtml
May 03ProseminarKryptographiePrimzahlen [in German]K. Madlener (supervisor), R. Eschbach (supervisor) et al.pdf
Jan 04ProjectComputer GraphicsRay Tracing: "Wetterumschwung"html
Jan 04SeminarInteger Programming and Combinatorial OptimizationEuclidean Traveling Salesman ProblemE. Althaus (supervisor)pdf
Apr 04EssayHistory of Computing and ComputersOn the Development and Use of Differential Analyzerspdf
May 04EssayUnconventional Models of Computingvarious topicshtml
Jun 04EssayHistory of Computing and ComputersOn Konrad Zuse's Developmentspdf